BRAHMA University is the second oldest university of undivided India, and was authorised to grant degrees by Imperial Charter of the Mughal Emperor Akbar II in 1829.
As an ancient transnational private chartered university, it has resisted, often violently, all attempts of national governments to overtake it or regulate its activities.
Presently Brahma University is the oldest military university for training brahmacharya theological students in all aspects of waging holy war.
Table of Contents
- About Us
- Origins of Brahma University
- Development of Brahma University
- Mission of Brahma University
- Philosophical gems
- Important definitions
- Constituent colleges
- Academics
- Admissions
- Fee structure
- Rules, Regulations and Byelaws
- Degree verification
- Contact
BRAHMA University(TM) is a global community campus for revolutionary research and actions based on Brahma Dharma and its affiliated knowledge disciplines.
It has always been known for the quality of its academics and its distinguished alumni includes
- Brahmacharya Prafulla Chandra Roy,
- Brahmacharya Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar,
- Brahmacharya Jagadish Chandra Bose,
- Brahmacharya SN Bose,
- Brahmacharya Meghnad Saha,
- Brahmacharya Rabindranath Tagore
- Brahmacharya Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis
- Brahmacharya Aghorenath Chattopadhyaya
- Brahmacharya Amiya Charan Banerjee
- Brahmacharya Nikhil Chakravarty
- Brahmacharni Suhasini Chattopadhyay
- Brahmacharya Sri Aurobindo
- Brahmacharni Kadambini Ganguly
- Brahmacharya Dwarkanath Ganguly
- Brahmacharya Virendranath Chattopadhyaya
Origins of Brahma University
The Brahma University originated from a dispute arising from the theological Vedantic College (estd. 1817 at Calcutta), founded by Rammohun Roy's Brahma Sabha to counter William Carey's aggressive Christian evangelical missionaries based at the Danish enclave of Serampore. However, Carey conspired with orthodox Hindus of Calcutta to compel Rammohun Roy to disassociate himself so that college became the Hindu College.
After this episode and by 1823, Roy had realised that the East India Company wanted to deny the Brahmas access to Western scientific and military knowledge. By his letter to the Governor General Lord Amherst, Roy demanded that the Company funds of 1 lakh rupees allocated for educating natives be used for advanced instruction in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in the English language for Brahma youth, instead of publishing philologies in dead Sanskrit which were useless to them.
When Lord Amherst (perhaps recalling the devastating Mysore rockets of Tipu Sultan) deliberately did not act on Roy's letter seeking modern scientific instructions for Brahmas, Rammohun Roy constructed the small but handsome' Hindu Vedanta Sanskrit College by 1825 at Calcutta and personally employed 2 of Tipu's French instructors from the Jacobin Club to teach the latest Western sciences of mathematics, physics and chemistry used for rocketry and explosive warfare to about 70 carefully chosen Brahma youth which were translated into a secret Sanskrit dialect known only to true Brahmas. 5 years later a Biology section was added where animal dissections were carried out by Brahmas and poisons were also developed and tested.
Establishment of Brahma University
In February 1827, alarmed by Brahmic martial activities, King Frederick of Denmark granted Carey's Fredericksnagore (now Serampore) settlement missionaries a Royal Charter to establish a theological college to aggressively spread Christianity throughout Hindustan. However, the Serampore missionaries were externed from Hindustan on Roy's campaigning and retreated back to their Danish enclave, and did not utilise their Royal Charter till 1914.
In response to the Serampore Christian missionaries activity to circumvent their externment, Hindustan's reigning Emperor Akbar II thereafter granted Roy extraordinary ambassadorial titles along with an Imperial Charter to establish an University for Brahmic research to award academic degrees throughout 'Hindoostan' on 11 September 1829, thus making it the second oldest University of modern India and the first to issue degrees. The Imperial charter was conveyed to the Governor-General for India Lord William Bentinck on 3rd January 1830 and confirmed by the Company's government shortly thereafter.
With the Imperial Charter and approvals granted by Emperor Akbar II to his ambassador plenipoteniary Rajah Rammohun Roy in hand, the instruction of the Brahma University formally commenced on 23rd January 1830 at Calcutta at its new premises under the able ministry of noted Sanskrit scholar Pandit Ram Chandra Vidyabagish in the presence of 500 noted Brahmins of Bengal, an Englishman Montgomery Martin and a learned Unitarian Scotsman, Professor William Adam who later headed the Oriental Literature College at Harvard University (USA), and who had previously resigned his post at the Serampore Trinitarian University over doctrinal differences.
Since 1830 Brahma Dharma University has been continually infusing the youth of Hindustan with high moral, religious and scientific temper via hathayoga and other martial exercises accompanied by advanced military training at well equipped Brahmic academies for higher studies.
Academies at Brahma University
All candidates for the 4 year B.BS (Hons) degree must clear with honours at least 4 of the 5 prescribed 1 year courses of the undermentioned Academies for Brahmic warfare, (aka Brahmadhams) before they are graduated. Brahma University is unique in that in the event of death during the instruction, a sibling of the candidate is allowed to complete the program on behalf of the deceased student.
- BDU Academy for Brahmic Weapons Research (BABWR)
- BDU Academy for Legal Studies (BALS)
- BDU Academy for Military Engineering Sciences (BAMES)
- BDU Academy for Aviation and Rocketry Engineering (BAARE)
- BDU Academy for ABC (Atomic Biological & Chemical) warfare (BABCW)
- BDU Academy for Military Medical Sciences (BAMMS)
Mission of Brahma University
After the untimely death of Rammohun Roy in 1833 in England, the University languished for several years till it was revived by his spiritual successor Maharshi Debendranath Tagore. After vigorous research, which involved sending 4 Brahmunical scholars to Benares (Varanasi) to verify the Vedic texts then in circulation, the doctrine of Vedantic infallabiity was discarded and the Brahmic religion's authoritative text book "Brahma Dharma" was adopted in its place. Accordingly, Brahma Dharma University (BDU) was again vigorously revived from 1854 onwards at Shantiniketan (Bengal) by the Tattwabodhini Sabha then headed by Maharshi Debendranath Thakura to infuse divine martial spirits into the indolent Bengali Brahmin youth of Hindustan, to rouse and equip them to wage armed warfare against their better armed foreign imperialist occupation foes and to violently exterminate their Christian missionaries vanguard from India.
Other founding members of the Brahma University included
- Shridhar Bhattacharya,
- Shyamacharan Bhattacharya,
- Brajendranath Thakura,
- Girindranath Thakura,
- Anandachandra Bhattacharya,
- Ishwar Chandra (Vidyasagar) Bhattacharya
- Taraknath Bhattacharya,
- Haradev Chattopadhyaya,
- Shyamacharan Mukhopadhyaya,
- Ramnarayan Chattopadhyaya,
- Sashibhushan Mukhopadhyaya, etc.
Maharshi Debendranath finally acquired the Ashram's land in 1861, and from 1863 the University again began to grant the doctoral degree of 'Brahmacharya' or preceptor of the Brahma religion to its missionaries who had completed the ardous 9 year course of Brahmic, Brighic and Yogic study under Brahmic Mahacharya Hemendranath Thakur.
The University awards the popular B.BS baccalaureate Under Graduate (UG) degrees, in addition to the established M.BS Master degrees, and Ph.D and D.D (Doctor Divinitatis) doctoral degrees in the Brahmic and Brighic Sciences and Arts
TERMS and CONDITIONS to use this website,
You, the User, attest that you understand and agree with the following terms before continuing to use this website.
(i) "Brahma University", is a private unaided religious institute for higher learning and research which has no equivalence to any other university
(ii) "Admission", is restricted only to Brahmas or other corresponding monotheists who agree that Ekam Evadvitiyam Brahma.
(iii) "Permissions", Brahma University does not seek funds, grants, approvals, permissions or secular recognitions from any Government in the Universe.
(iv) "Reservation", Brahma University does not respect any Government imposed conditions which are opposed to the word of God as contained in our Brahmic charters. In other words, only "merit" and "excellence" matter at Brahma University.
(v) "Recognition", The degrees, diplomas, certificates etc. awarded by the Brahma University are solely meant for further progression within the Brahmic religion and Brighic movements, and are not to be tendered to any Government(s) or private person(s) except those which have entered into prior treaty with the Republic of Hindustan. In other words, Brahma University degrees are almost always unusable for obtaining government employment or for further education outside the Brahmic Universe.
(vi) "Relations with the Republic of India", The Brahma University does not recognise any certificate, score or degree of the Republic of India issued by or based on that of the following autonomous private societies of that nation for entry into our academic programs.
- Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE)
- National Testing Agency (NTA)
(vii) "University", As a Universal institute not constrained by the artificial boundaries imposed by governments, the Brahma University rejects all collectivist definitions of societies, which by their own stated theory and in fact, are conspiracies against intelligence deliberately crafted to limit the soul's infinite progression.
(viIi) "University Grants Commission Act, 1956", Brahma University does not claim to be recognised by this UGC or to be covered under its laws, furthermore ithe Brahma University does not grant degrees which are specified by the Republic of India and vice versa.
Philosophy at Brahma University
- "Anyone who proposes to forbid to a genius any achievement which is not of value to a moron, is dishonest"
- "The best means of destroying superiority is to exalt the small, the meaningless, the mediocre"
- "Thinking is man's base virtue, from which all other virtues emanate"
- "A government unlimited and unrestricted by individual freedoms is man's deadliest enemy"
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